Monday, December 8, 2008

JFK--space race

okay, so i think that its kind of a waste of money but at the same time a good thing. Because why should we spend all this time and money on something just to say that woah we've been on the moon, cause if you think about it we spent all this money just to step on the moon for two minutes. but at the same time it is a good thing because we want to know about the things around us even that far away because we want to know if something drastic or anythings going to happen.
i think that we should focus on both of them because we should always explore the outdoors and we should always work on the next best thing or the next thing that will help figure more stuff out or help us realize something that we didn't notice or think of before. so basicly i think that you can't have one without the other, you can't sit there and climb a mountain just because its there if you don't have new equipment to use to climb it so really you got to think about it both ways.

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