Wednesday, April 1, 2009

book protfolio Quater 3

In the book Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee written by Dee Brown was a great way to look at our past and really think about what happened at this time period. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee shows the relations between Native Americans and white settlers from the late 400s to the mid 1800s. Which started out to be so peaceful, they soon become more tense as white emigration from Europe to the United States increases. The theme for this book, as cheesy as it sounds I really truly think, from a broad aspect would have to be never give up because pretty much everything starts at that cause If we gave up we wouldn’t have traveled to America and if the Indians didn’t help or give up on keeping there land who knows what north America could have been I mean yeah sure we take a lot of things for granted but you really got to think about what started this all and what helped us have the life we have know.

"" so tractable, so peaceful, are these people," Columbus wrote to the king and queen of spain, " that i swear to your majesties there is not in the world a better nation. they love their naighbors as themselves, and their discourse is ever sweet and gentle, and accomanies with a smile; and though it is true that they are naked, yet their manners are decorous and praiseworthy."" So I decided i would start with a quote from the book, I found this very interesting because well first the book goes so in dept with both sides of the story and what people were thinking about what was going on and this part really stuck out to me as a great theme part because they thought so highly of them but then at the same time they had there difference with them, but they did work most of them out.

" The indians considered neither fight a defeat, and although some soldiers may have thought of the Hayfield and Wagon Box fights as victories, the united states goverment did not. only a few weeks later, General Sherman himself was traveling westward with a new peace council. This time the military authorities were determined to end Red Cloud's war by any means short of surrender.” I also decided to start this part off with a quote, i guess i just like the person reading this to know where im coming from. i guess in this paragraph im supose to talk about theme in history, and i thought this was a great quote because in this book its all about history and how it all got started well this shows how dedicated to the land and fighting the other said to have the freedom to do what you and live free with there own religion and laws.

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee shows the relations between Native Americans and white settlers from the late 400s to the mid 1800s. Which started out to be so peaceful, they soon become more tense as white emigration from Europe to the United States increases. This story shows the relationship with the natives and the white settlers, this book makes you get a hole new aspect on how things went back then and how thankful we should be that we had brave people and people that were willing to work through this to get were we are now.